Do you know why there are spaces between my fingers ?
Cause the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit PERFECTLY .
Haiyo , I've not done my job as a decoration rep in class ,
Since the first day of school .
I only helped out with putting stuff the teacher asked me to put on .
Oh well , can't help it ,
I shall try asking 'cher what should I decorate on the board .
3 more months till my job as Home Economics Rep
Starts . :X ,
Seriously , why can't they put Home Economics first
Instead of Design and Tech ? -'-
Okay , maybe Design and Tech is
A little fun ,
But can't be as fun as Home Econs . :P
I love cooking , I love everything that includes FOOD .
I love sewing , I love clothes ! ^^
If mixing the heart in the coffee ,
Meant canceling your heart ,
I'll not cancel it , forever .
But instead , I'll drink it ,
With extra love .