Damn dat coward lahh .
So shameless .
Argue wif me so much , in th end leh ?
My brother say 1on1
He so coward say he don't know how to fight -.-''
Diaooooo .
Anyways ,
Today , my favorite sentence is ..
That's why my love for him ( NOT FRANZ ) will never fade . :)
Hahahahs . :) Lady Yanshan ,
Sorry fur not coming to you to the outing ):
It's my cousin 's bday ): I wish I could go too . :(
Sorry uhh , Baobeii ):
Sorry , baobeii ):
woraiini . :)
Don't be sad kayys T^T
I also sad leyy .
Lol . Have a naise day with Gerald and Cheryl Jie <3 :)
On Franz 's profile ,
He posted he dumped me first ,
No one liked it ,
Yet , On my status , I put I dump him first ,
6 person liked , I say he shameless , bhb .
Seems lyk more people believes I dumped him first .
Thanks fur th support !! :DD
Woraiini !! :)
Stupid Dumbass Chunkiat say I whore ,
I think he Gigolo or Pimp lah -.-'
It doesn't matter if you're in the best class ,
Your attitude sucks bad , Chunkiat -.-'
I wish to slap you soon ^_^
You're the pimp here , so stop xialan me .
Yaoxiu so much , you think I care ? You pimp .
My attitude is damn much better than you .
At least I have more friends . Damn old man -.-'
So dumb siol . I think my computer skills are better than you siol .
At least I got more friends than you
And on my case , I got a caring brother .
Woraiini korkor !! :DD
And , Franz , don't act until so ke lian -.-'
You think I care ? You dumbass .
You do anything for your family ? You imbecile . -.-
Anyway , it's time to go dry the clothes , edit later .
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