One 12 years old girl and Two 10 years old girl went to Kbox to play :)
Damn pro rite ! :3
We spent $80.05 there :X
LOL . Bleh .
We go sing there sing here lyk siaozhabors .
We regret not taking a blanket there since it was veh cold siol ;x
Obviously Lady Geraldine :DD Believe it or not , I behaved lyk a siaozhabor the most .
Two Siaozhabors keep zilian in the toilet .
Me and Lady Carine ( I know I look retarded with the fringe ,
That's because I kept dancing around and it kept shuai shuai ~
;hoho As you know , our decorations are very well done ,I recommend us go become professional designer ;hoho
Obviously when we came out from Kbox , it became warmer . :P Lol .
We then went to Long John Sliver to eat , I order my classic batter .
Then Lady Carine order another set , Lady Geraldine share drinks wif me ,
One thinq was , I actually wanted to order vodka then i think mus 18 yo . bo order le . -.-'
I lyk red wine to white wine more :X
Then we send Lady Geraldine home , then i send Lady Carine home , then I walk back home :O
Walk back home liao , I finally reach home , long journey siol :X
Then I immediate fell on the bed and slept .
Wake up at 9 +
Then started doing Yasmine 's blog
Oh yah when we were going to LongJohn , me and carine were saying about Gerald and Cheryl and Baobei .
The main people we concentrate in the fam . :)
Then of cos la , continue I doing Yasmine blog , To visit , click HERE and taq .
Then yi bian zuo , yi bian talk to my dearest , baobei .
I finish lerhh , Yasmine say ouhkays , but her father nag liao , need off comp .
So she offline then talk talk talk with dearest .
Then blogging now ;shy
Okay lah , edit later if got things .
Good nites ^_^
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