The miraculous name is BELLA.
Currently studying in PioneerSec.
She's youngyoung, 13y/o :3
You don't give her birthday present?
She'll kill you on 24th of March (:
Single is freedom.
You don't like her?
Then don't expect her to like you too >:D

Friday, December 10, 2010

Barbecue and Enlistment .

Ahbao 's having his enlistment today .
Good bye, ahbao korhkorh .
I will miss you when you're in army,
Don't worry, I still have your botak picture in my phone ! ;duh
Anyway, It's the barbecue day !
The purpose for this is for PIONEERIANS and FRIENDS .
And of course, I didn't invite Yasmine ! ;duh
There's some doq like Shih kei barkinq on my blog it seems . ;smil

Dear Pricia Yong Shih Kei,
Here is your score,
You got a score of 150,
Just passed ;duh
What I felt about you ?
I don't even know how to explain it, (:
You're just a doqqie to me .
Ouh yeah,
Not to even say,
Our class's girls totally don't like you at all .
Not to mention, there's a boy called Ng Jia Ding,
Which hates you . (:

If I'm beinq too mean,
Then I apologize ;duh
Because you asked me to put what I feel about you (;
Not to mention,
You're those kind that goes stealinq mens,
Who the fuck do you think you are ?
Just one bitch .
You got a nice word, dude .
Mudabetch .
Yeah, I'm a bitch,
But can you fuckinq shut the fuckinq up,
And don't scold my mother ? = w =
You're being rude .
Where's your manners, idiot ? (:
Are you that bodoh ?
You even said that,
You stead before De Kai, Wei Hong,
Oi, you bitch .
Even if you may had been in a r/s with them,
Stop tellinq stories to their qirlfriends .
You're just makinq them jealous .
It's just so random .
You started a topic .
Then you made it worse, your friendships .
And also,
Which kind of person know ' LOL ' when they're P6
All of us learnt what ' LOL ' is when we were in like P2 - P4 .
Oi, learn some words can you ?
Stop copyinq us .
And you still wanted to be the scribe in the project ?
Eh, your writinq not nice also, scribe what scribe .
Then you also don't want to work on the project .
Then at the end then you tell Yvonne,
That you have done another new project and it's complete ?
Eh, did you know that the other project,
All the stuffs were paid by Yvonne,
But De Kai qot spon one box,
And all the thinq was done by Yvonne . 
It was almost done .
Just a little bit more,
And then after that Yvonne went and throw away her project,
And after that you didn't come school and you said,
You threw away your project ? = w =
If you didn't do it, then say it .
Stop qettinq the credits .
And thanks to Priscilla, she manaqed to kept some of Yvonne 's project,
So they still could continue .
But by then, all of them don't want to work anymore .
Who even cares anymore ?
That's all I want to say .

I'm startinq on the barbecue today,
Whether you want to come anot, it's your own problem .

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